The Arts
Throughout the nation today, The Links, Incorporated chapters partner with museums, symphonies, arts councils, educational institutions, and corporations to advocate for art programs, especially where there is a focus on artists of color. Links members champion opportunities for educating minority youth in the arts. They present and support performances by youth and accomplished professional artists in a diversity of disciplines.

Links members chaperoned youth groups at the RACE exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota, 2007.
Back row (l to r): Lisa Lissimore, Charise Council, Denise Blackwell, J.D., Jayne Khalifa, Lorraine Griffin Johnson.
Front row (l to r): Phyllis Harvin, D’Juana Ballard.

Exhibition opening sponsored by The Minneapolis/St. Paul (MN) Chapter of The Links, Incorporated for Africa: One Continent, Many Worlds at the Science Museum of Minnesota in 1999, .

Links members host reception for conductor William Eddins, 1993.
Back row (l to r): Phebe Givens, Diane Smith, Martha Goss, Dr. Christine Dunham, Dr. Ida-Lorraine Wilderson, Virginia Redman, Lorraine Martin, Rosiland Bell, Phyllis Ellis, Cynthia Tyson, Lorraine Griffin Johnson.
Front row (l to r): Carla DeBose, Dr. Delores Henderson, Marion Kennon, William Eddins, Jayne Khalifa, Linda Keene.

Left: Benefit for the Penumbra Theatre in 1997, article in the Spokesman-Recorder.
Right: Pandemic film contest poster.
A Selection of Partner Organizations in the Twin Cities Arts Community
Children’s Theatre Company • Guthrie Theater • Local Artists of African Ancestry
Minneapolis Institute of Art • Minnesota Historical Society • Minnesota Orchestra
Ordway Music Theatre • Penumbra Theatre • Ramsey County Historical Society
Science Museum of Minnesota • VocalEssence • Walker Art Center
Walker | West Music Academy • Weisman Art Museum