Linked for Leadership

Linked 4 Leadership participants, 2015.

Linked 4 Leadership participants with Links members Dr. Tonya Jackman Hampton and Tawanna Black, 2016.

Linked 4 Leadership participants, 2015.

Linked 4 Leadership participants, 2015.
Linked For Leadership
Linked for Leadership began in 2012. This program, like the Debutante program, aimed to boost the self esteem of young women and prepare them for success in the next phases of their collegiate and professional lives. The program was designed to help the young women see themselves, and each other, as valuable, positive role models for the community.
This ten-week workshop program began with an overnight retreat designed to take the young women out of their comfort zone, and bond with each other and program leaders. The program ended with a celebratory graduation event. Workshops included how to apply for college, a career fair, interactions with their parents, male-female relationships, and more.
Linked for Leadership 2
Linked For Leadership 2 was created in partnership with Big Brothers Big Sisters Twin Cities. Middle school African American girls and their “Bigs” attended workshops both together and individually. The program increased confidence and self-esteem in the “Littles.” It strengthened the bonds between the pairs, and increased retention of the “Bigs” as the “Littles” were transitioning from being little kids to tweens and teens.
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